What they say about us.
Early years…

Center for Evolutionary Psychology named “Red Hot Center of Genius” by Esquire Magazine The Center for Evolutionary Psychology was identified as one of 26 “Centers of Genius” in the U.S. in the November 1999 issue of Esquire magazine. Other centers included Cal Tech, Johns Hopkins and Carnegie Mellon (as research institutions), MIT’s Media Lab, Xerox PARC, the Santa Fe Institute, the Whitehead Institute, IBM’s Watson labs, the National Center for Superconducting at Illinois, Gehry Associates, and Ideo. Esquire article / Esquire text only
John Tooby, author profile in Nature 2007
“Making the paper” Click here for more…
Leda Cosmides wins 2005 NIH Director’s Pioneer Award
UCSB Release … Pioneer Awardees … NIH Announcement… Science article

Cosmides with NIH Director Elias Zerhouni Class of 2005
Some early articles
Newsweek 1989 “How the mind was designed” by Geoffrey Cowley
The Economist 1992 “A critique of pure reason” by Matt Ridley
The Economist 1993 “Just folks” ‘Review of The Adapted Mind 1/9/93 vol 326, issue 7793, p. 86
U.S. News & World Report 1993 “How the modern mind evolved: Stone age priorities” by William Allman
Time 1999 “Where anthropology meets psychology” in issue on the 100 Greatest Thinkers of the 20th Century
New York Times 2000 ‘Evolutionary psychology: The landscape’, in “Born or made?” by Erica Goode
The Economist 2001 “Them” by Geoffrey Carr
Economist 2012 ‘Political strength: A man’s muscle power influences his beliefs’ in “Body and mind”‘
La Tercera, Paula Magazine (Chile) June 2018 (Cosmides) Instinto Ancestral en la era digital (Ancestral Instinct in the Digital Age)
Psychology Today, August 2013. Doug Kenrick: An interview with a founder of evolutionary psychology: Leda Cosmides on the birth of evolutionary psychology.
El Mercurio (Chile) October 2001. Alvaro Fischer and Roberto Araya interview Leda Cosmides
Generosity and the evolution of cooperation:
- The Economist 2011 – Welcome, stranger: The human impulse to be kind to unknown individuals is not the biological aberration it might seem 7/30/2011 vol 400 issue 8744
- Reason.com 2011 – Why Are People “Irrationally” Generous to Strangers?
- The Boston Globe 2011 – Why we’re so darn nice by Joshua Rothman
- The Daily Mail 2011 – Kindness is in our genes
- Science Codex 2011 – UCSB scholars study the evolution of human generosity
- Science Daily 2011 – Evolution of Human Generosity
- Psych Central 2011 – Cooperation Trumps Payback in Evolution of Generosity
- The American 2011 – The Origins of Envy
- CNN 7/27/11 – Tipping your waiter may be in your genes
- Fast Company 7/27/11 – Is Generosity An Evolutionary Trait?
- KCSB 8/30/11 – Radio Causeway: Are Humans Too Generous?
- UCSB Press Release 2011 – UCSB Scholars Study the Evolution of Human Generosity
Spatial cognition: Adaptations for gathering, female advantage
- New Scientist 9/1/07 – Modern women are excellent gatherers
- The Daily Telegraph 2007 – Males may excel at map reading but they have an evolutionary inability to find items in the supermarket, say scientists by Roger Highfield
- The Economist – 8/27/07 – Sex, shopping and thinking pink: The brains of men and women are, indeed, different. vol 384, issue 8543
- Science 2007 – Born to Shop
Coalitional psychology (the psychology of “us versus them” and race)
- The Economist 2001 “Them” by Geoffrey Carr
- No Hate Left Behind 2019 New York Times Thomas B. Edsall
- United Press International 2001 “Categorization by race not inevitable” by Damaris Christensen
- San Francisco Chronicle 2001 “Racial profiling not ‘wired’ into brain” by Carl T. Hall
- Reuters 2001 Racism is not hard-wired, researchers find by Maggie Fox
- Reuters 2001 Racism may be erasable: Study by Merritt McKinney
- Africa News 2002 “South Africa must transcend its divided history” (Mail & Guardian)
- New York Times 2008 “Our racist, sexist selves” by Nicholas D. Kristof
- Boston Globe 2008 “Black man versus white woman” by Drake Bennett
- Dr. David Pietraszewski’s research on how cooperation decreases categorization by race…
- Dr. David Pietraszewski’s research on the cognition of politics…
- Futurity.org
- Tendencias21.net
- Phys.org
- Plus international coverage on the web and in…
Reasoning about social exchange
(and cheater detection– the cognitive foundations of economics)
- Los Angeles Times 2002 “An innate ability to smell scams” by Emily Singer (on cheater detection and reasoning about social exchange)
- Nature 2002 “Brains sniff out scam artists” by Kendall Powell
- New Scientist 2002 “Brain’s ‘cheat detector’ is revealed”
- Reuters 2002 “People programmed to sniff out cheaters: Study” by Alison McCook
- Cox News Service 2002 “Amazon indians match Harvard students in finding cheaters” by Jeff Nesmith
- The Straits Times (Singapore) 2002 “Ability to spot cheats innate”
- The Economist 1992 A critique of pure reason (text only)
Kin detection, altruism, and incest
- Reuters / MSNBC 2007 “Why it’s gross to kiss your sister” by Maggie Fox
- Daily Telegraph (UK) 2007 “Key to combatting incest found” by Maggie Fox
- ScientificAmerican.com 2007 “Evolving a mechanism to avoid sex with siblings” by David Biello
- LifeScience.com / FoxNews.com 2007 “‘Kinship detectors’ prevent brother-sister incest–most of the time” by Ker Than
- DailyIndia.com 2007 “Scientists reveal why incest revolts us”
On visual attention to animals
- The Economist 2007 “More News from the Savannah” by Geoffrey Carr (visual attention to animals)
- Daily Telegraph 2007 “Cut road deaths by making ‘animal cars'” by Roger Highfield
- Science Daily 2007 “Nonconscious visual attention system identified in humans”
- Ars Technica 2007 “Human visual attention is stuck in the past” by John Timmer
Formidability and anger
- The Times of London – Sept 6, 2014 (requires subscription)
- Tech Times – Sept 1, 2014
- The Times of India – Aug 30, 2014
- The Daily Mail – Aug 29, 2014
- Huffington Post – Aug 28, 2014
- Wall Street Journal – Oct 20, 2012
- Science Daily – April 19, 2012
- Radio Australia – April 19, 2012
- Medical News Today – April 12, 2012
- The Telegraph – April 11, 2012 [Strength in Hollywood action heros, Aaron Sell]
- Radio New Zealand National (Audio here, approximately 8 minutes) – July 17, 2010
- Radio Causeway with Pav and Tim (Audio here, approximately 30 minutes) – July 13, 2010
- CNN Health – June 21, 2010
- Scientific American (Audio here, 1 minute) – June 16, 2010
- New Scientist, issue 2765 – July 16, 2010
- Colombian National Radio (Audio here, Spanish and English, 9 minutes) – January 21, 2010
- Quirks & Quarks with Bob McDonald (near minute 14) – Sept 3rd, 2009
- Brain and Evolution, “The Adaptive Value of Exaggerated Strength: The Case of Violent Human Yells” – July 26, 2007
- e! Science News, “UCSB study finds physical strength, fighting ability revealed in human faces” – October 22, 2008
- FoxNews, First at Ten
- Express India, “Boxing opponent’s face tells about his fighting ability” – Oct 23, 2008
- Science Daily, “Physical Strength, Fighting Ability Revealed In Human Faces” – Oct. 25, 2008
- Real Fighter Magazine #25
- Slate Magazine, “Facial Profiling: Can you tell if a man is dangerous by the shape of his mug?” – Oct 14, 2009
- RE: Sunday Times article on hair color and aggression; The Sunday Times of London published a piece claiming that we found a link between blonde hair in women and anger, entitlement and “warlike” behavior. No such research was done and the claims are almost certainly false! Click here for our detailed response to the Sunday Times of London. – January 17, 2010
On shame as an evolved defense against being devalued by others
- Phys.org Study shows shame allows humans to anticipate social devaluation and adjust intensity of defensive response
- Boston Globe Shame on you–and others
- Qz.com The evolutionary advantage of feeling ashamed of yourself
- Huffington Post The unexpected reason it’s healthy to feel shame
- How stuff works.com There’s an evolutionary reason humans developed the ability to feel shame
- Futurity.org Why humans evolved to feel shame
- Daily Mail Shame isn’t necessarily a bad thing
- ScienceAlert.com Shame is a survival mechanism that reigns in behavior across cultures, scientists say
- On the radio with InsideHigherEd.com (audio clip) Shame and social devaluation
- AEPSociety.org The evolution of shame: Why shame is adaptive
- Sapiends.org There’s no shame in shame
- SceinceBeta.com Why did humans evolve ability to feel shame?
- TheScienceExplorer.com Shame is actually critical for our survival, researchers argue
- World Economic Forum – 2/2017 – Pride has a bad reputation, but here’s why it might be a good thing
- Ars Technica – 2/2017 – Feeling proud is probably a sign that people think you’re great
- UCSB Press Release – 2/2017 – Pride — Sin or Incentive?
- La Nación (Argentina) – 3/2017 – La aprobación de los otros y la psicología de la sociabilidad
- University of Oxford Press Release – 2/2017 – Is pride a sin or an incentive?
- UCSB Press Release – 8/2018 – The value of pride
- BBC (UK) – 10/2018 – Why we shouldn’t be too modest
- BBC (Turkey) – 10/2018 – Neden fazla mütevazı olmamak gerek?
- BBC (LatAm) – 1/2019 – Por qué no es bueno ser demasiado modesto
- HuffPost (Brazil) – 8/2018 – Orgulho é mesmo um pecado? Estudo analisa como o sentimento impacta a evolução humana
- UOL notícias (Brazil) – 11/2018 – O papel do orgulho na evolução humana
- Dilema veche (Romania) – 5/2019 – Lauda de sine
- World Economic Forum – 9/2018 – How pride actually benefits the greater good
- Yahoo! – 8/2018 – Evolution Study Shows Why Feeling Proud Is Key to Human Survival
- Université de Montréal Press Release – 10/2018 – Éviter la honte, chercher la fierté: un système universel
- Radio KCLU – NPR for the California Coast – 8/2018 – South Coast Researchers Say Pride Is More Than Narcissism; They Call It Evolutionary Survival Tool
Are modern political views shaped by ancestral selection pressures?
- Psychological Science Wealth and the 47%–An ancient debate
- Huffington Post Policy and prowess: Did ancient humans diss the 47%?
- Huffington Post 2012 Muscular strength-politics study shows strong men more likely to assert self-interest
- The Economist Man’s muscle power influences his beliefs
- Wall Street Journal
- Salon Muscular men have self-interested politics, study says
- CounselHeal.com Researchers link upper body-strength to political opinions in men
- Psychological Science Political motivations may have links to physical strength
- Science daily Political motivations may have evolutionary links to physical strength
- Daily Mail Men who are physically strong are more likely to have right-wing political views
- Reason.com Bicep size predicts politics
- LivingMSN.com
- Psychology Today Physical strength and attitudes toward economic policies
- Huffington Post Male biceps size predicts opinion on welfare programs, study suggests
- The LA Times Do Obama’s small biceps explain his liberal politics?
- UCSB in the new
- HealthCanal.com UCSB researchers find political motivations may have evolutionary links to physical strength
- Smithsonian Magazine Wealthy economic liberals actually are wimps
- UCSB Daily Nexus Politics, money, and muscles: Researching the link between physical strength and motives
- New Media